Ningxia Wanboda Carbons & Graphite Co., Ltd.

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Foreign trade enterprises: why the export tax rebate can hardly be realized   

   "Iputthecustomeraccountis90 days,butI receivedtheexport tax rebateof180 daysor270 days, the governmentoweme moneythe longest!"March 23,heldinthe Ministry of Commerce,2012China's foreign tradesituation reportonaSME representativesfromShijiazhuang City,HebeiProvincetotheCommerce Departmentlaunched an attackinthe Q & A session.Theexport tax rebateisdifficulttofull andtimelyreturn tobringagreatdealofdistresstohis business.

    Foreign trade enterprisesexperiencingthe above problema few.Our reporter found thatso farnooneshall be givenatime limitontheexport tax rebate, which is probablythe exporttax rebateinvolvedworking efficiencyis notone of the reasons.Variousprovinces and cities inthe return oftheexport tax rebateare not the same,generallyaroundthree to six months, there aremany companiesreflectssome provinces and citieswillreachseven monthsor even a yearbeforethe return.
Cycleoftheexport tax rebate,greatly increases thecostofcorporate cash flowand, therefore,the simplification of exporttax rebateprogramasan important part oftrade facilitation, and naturallybecameoneofthemostconcern.
    "This yearwill be good news."Ministry of Commerce,ForeignTradeSecretary,kingsmentioned above,tosimplifytheexport tax rebateprogram, said thattheAdministration of Foreign ExchangeonDecember 1last yearhas already beguninthe7pilot provinces and citiestocancela single export verification,ie,pilotdeclarationofexport tax rebate,theregionalexport enterprisesno longerprovidepaper-basedexport proceedsverification form, which willgreatly acceleratethe progressoftheexportenterprisestoreceive the tax rebate.This policythisyearorisexpectedtobeimplementedin the countrya wide range .

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